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Jeanette N. Livelo, DNP, MS/MBA, RN, NEA-BC

Massachusetts General Hospital

As the nation marks the one year of the Covid-19 pandemic, never in our time have we been challenged as nurse leaders and health care professionals as we have, or risen to the challenge with strength, fortitude, and perseverance. Nurses and nurse leaders, even those with outstanding achievements and highly skilled and influential leaders, are at a crossroads to keep employees and community advocates engaged, empowered, and inspired. Drawing from the long-time experience and competency as a Nurse Leader, the importance of restoring and maintaining resilience is exemplified in this presentation of a nurse leader turned critically ill during the pandemic. Kindness to oneself and others was impactful and influential in restoring the team’s resilience. As a result, team members remained productive, and initiatives envisioned to serve a diverse community continued amidst the pandemic.

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