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Joyce Trompeta, PhD, PNP

Dr. Joyce Trompeta is an Associate Professor who conducts outcomes research in the Department of Surgery in the School of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, where she completed her master's and doctoral degrees. Her program of research examines factors related to organ donation and health disparities, including organ donation practices, medical exclusion related to race and ethnicity, and reasons why donors are unwilling to donate.

She has served on the Boards of the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network / United Network for Organ Sharing - Minority Affairs Committee, the International Transplant Nurses Society as past-President, and the Council Board of the International Society of Organ Donation & Procurement as US representative. She was recently appointed by the White House / House of Ethics to serve as Chairperson for the Health & Human Services Advisory Committee on Organ Transplantation. She will be making direct recommendations to US Secretary of Health Xavier Becerra.

Dr. Trompeta is a Fulbright Scholar who plans to return to Japan to resume her Fulbright research to examine why organ donation rates are low and identify areas of education targeted to both young and older generations. She has created "The Kumamoto Model," a strategic plan to increase deceased organ donations in Kumamoto Prefecture supported by Governor Kabashima, and she has developed a nationwide slogan: “Extend Life. Do the Honor. Be an Organ Donor.”

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